Wednesday, November 9, 2016

P.E blog post

This week for P.E we have been divided in to three groups.
There is a blue group, green group and a yellow group.
here are the groups.

Mya wandan
Oscar E

Oscar J

Oscar W

The first activity the blue team did was throwing a tennis ball into the hoops. I'm not sure what the yellow team and green team did because I'm not in the group. 
There isn't just anyway to throw a ball. The correct way is like this:

  1. Put your feet apart(not to far apart that you end up doing the splits).
  2. Then you step back, and pull your arm back.
  3. Next you need to aim (if you want) 
  4. Step, then Throw. 
Here is a video of me throwing a tennis ball. 
In the comments tell me what group you're in. 
I hope you enjoyed this blog, see you next time. 

My Art blog post

 Hey guys and today I'm going to be blogging about my art. We had a choice of doing 3 different kinds of art. I chose sketching. I learnt new skills when I was in the sketching group. These are the skills I learnt.

1. Smudging. Here is a picture of what the end result of smudging looks like.

2. Shading. Here is a picture of what the end result of the shading looks like.

3. Shadows.Here is a picture of what the end result of the shadows looks like.

4. 3D Drawing. Here is a picture of what the end result of the 3D Drawing looks like.

Here is my art. 

Hope you enjoyed this blog post, see you next time. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

My Maths

Hi and welcome back to my blog. Today I'm going to be blogging about my maths. 
For this weeks maths we were learning our 5 times tables. We have only been learning five times tables up to 12. Here is a link to the place were I have been learning my 5 times tables. Click here to learn your 5 times tables. Here is some examples. 


Hope you enjoyed this post.

Literacy blog post

 Hey guys. This blog post for today is about literacy. For my literacy blog post I am going to talk about my essay that I did for my report and I will show you my essay. 

For writing #1 I did an essay about the cheetah and jaguars. This essay that I did was a compare and contrast essay. A compare and contrast essay is you have to compare to animals or anything that you want to compare. Here is the layout. This layout is going to be for an animal. INTRODUCTION SIMILARITIES DIFFERENCES your animal DIFFERENCES your next animal CONCLUSION. Here is my writing.

Both the Cheetah and Jaguar have some similarities and some unique differences. Both animals on the outside are very different but research shows they are more similar than most people  assume.


The Cheetah and Jaguar both belong to the family of big cats. The group of animals in the family of big cats are Cheetahs, Jaguars, Leopards, Lions, Puma, Cougar, Panther, Mountain lion, Snow leopard and Tiger. The animals in the family of big cats don’t all look the same. Some have patterns and some have just one color all over their body.

Both the Cheetah and Jaguar are Carnivores. Jaguars in the wild eat mostly every animal they lay their eyes on. Cheetahs on the other hand are a little bit more fussy They only eat these animals, Gazelles, Wildebeest, Impalas, Hares, Antelopes and Warthogs.

The Cheetah and Jaguar are both mammals. They both give birth to Live young and feed them milk till they are old enough to care and feed them self.

Both the Jaguar and Cheetah communicate with sounds and Grunts. Cheetahs and Jaguars are very good at using sounds and grunting to tell other animals to back off or to tell them something important.


The cheetah can turn in mid air at speeds up to 120 k per hour in just 3 seconds. The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. They can reach speeds up to 113 k per hour. Cheetahs are faster than usain bolt. Usain bolt can reach speeds up to 27.44 per second. The cheetah can reach speeds up to 113 k per hour. When they hunt they have to increase their speeds but then they have to decrease their speeds when they're closer to their prey so they don’t scare off they're prey. Cheetahs can accelerate from 0 to 100km per hour. As you can see cheetahs are very fast.

Cheetahs communicate with growling and purring. Cheetahs purr like a cat. That would be because cheetahs and cat’s are related in a way. Growling is like purring except it’s more aggressive.

Jaguars communicate by roaring unlike cheetahs. Jaguars and cheetahs do communicate with sounds and grunts but both of them have at least one different way to communicate. The Jaguars extra way to communicate is by having different tones in they're growling.

Jaguars are the longest animal in the americans. They can grow from 63 to 77 cm in length. You may think that this makes Jaguars fast but in actual fact they're not slow and not as fast as cheetahs.


Although they are similar they can be very different but you never know until you research.

Hope you enjoyed. See you next time!!!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Calender art

This is my calendar art for 2016. It's a hedgehog.

This is such an AWESOME piece of art. If you buy it you will love it even more than you did!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

My favorite blog posts

Hi guys and welcome back. This is my first blog post for week 7 and term 3. Today I'm going to blogging about my 2 of favorite blog posts. My first favorite blog post is Lake Taupo. Here the blog post is.

                                    Lake Taupo
Have you ever been to lake Taupo or Taupo itself?
 FACT: Taupo was a volcano but blew its top off. That's why Taupo is so deep. Some people say that people in China could hear the big eruption. I  have been to Lake Taupo and it is AWESOME!!! You can swim in
the clear water. 
FACT: Lake Taupo's water is fresh water not salt water.
If you bring a boat you could go wild on the lake. When I went with  my uncle we went to a  carving in a cliff actually in the side of the cliff.
FACT:The carving was actually hand carved and one of the All Black's holiday house is on the top of the cliff. Here's some photos of me and my dad swimming with my step cousin and her dad.It was so cold that Lilly's lips went bright blue. 

 Me and my cousin on a floating a bouncy dinghy.
Us about to jump of the dinghy.
 Us swimming back to shore.
Me and Lilly (Lilly is my step cousin.)swimming towards the boat.
Us climbing up the ladder to get on to the boat so we can get warm.

I hope you enjoyed my post this week.See you next time.  

My learning in this blog post is the spelling and I also had to do heaps and heaps of editing to this blog. 

My second favorite blog post is A furry addition to the family. Here it is.

On the last day of the holidays, I went to Animates with my Mum and my Sister. Animates is a place where you can adopt pets and buy toys and treats for animals. When I went to Animates, I saw a furry black blob in a glass box. When I went closer to the box it started to appear: fury, small, black and white. By then I recognize what it was. Can you guess what it was? If you answered A cat or kitten you are correct. As soon as I saw the kitten I rushed over to my Mum and my sister and said come check what I have just seen. So I lead them towards the glass box. Just when they got a glimpse of the kitten they said "Oh wow that cat is soooo cute!" I said" Can we buy it Can we buy it Can we buy it?" But just then I realized  that my dad wouldn't approve it. So we went home and had a conversation about.Can you guess what he said? If 
you guessed  No No No!You were indeed right. He did not want a kitten. I don't know why but he didn't. The next day my sister had to go to work at Pak'n'Save across the road from Animates so mum and I went to Animates. I was so surprised to see that the cat was still there. Did I mention that the day before a family brought their dog in to see if he would like the cat? That's why I was so surprised that he was still there. That night Mum and I texted my Dad if we could take the cat home. Turns out he was actually out side of the shop getting petrol so he finished and came into the shop where Mum and I were staring at the cat. He walked into the shop we begged and begged, finally he gave in and said "Alright." So that night we got a kitten and named it Thea-bold fox in Socks and guess what it's a boy. He's so smart he even knows  how to play fetch. He's smarter than my dog. Is he smarter than your dog? Here are some photos. 

My kitten when he woke from a nap because he heard a big bang coming  from the TV.

Me and my kitten when he was sleeping. He must of had a bad dream.

My learning in this blog post is remembering what happens.


Monday, September 5, 2016

My poster

Hi guys and welcome back to my blog. Today I'm going to be blogging about my poster for my writing. 

My writing task is about my Olympic project. My Olympic project is about pole vault so my poster is trying to make people by a pole vault pole Used by Eliza McCartney when she won bronze at Rio 2016 Olympics.  My posters not finished but it will be soon, very soon, all I need to do is go over the words with a pen. Here is a picture of my poster: 

Hope you enjoyed!!! :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

My quick write

This is my quick write that I started on on the 31 of July. It's called  Places you don't want to go to.

1. The Dentist, They fish around in your mouth, nobody finds that relaxing. 

2. Doctor, nobody wants to know if they need to go to the Doctor again. 

3. Swimming lessons, you get in the pool for one minute and in the next you're getting dragged out.

4. Going to the super market with your mum, I mean you think your going in there for a couple of minutes but then your mum bumps into an old friend and turns the short super market shop into a life time shop.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it. See you next time!!! :)

Monday, August 1, 2016

My learning blog post


I'm learning about the Olympics. We have to do a Olympic project. A Olympic project is when you choose something like a athlete or a sport but they have to be someone or something in the Olympics. I'm doing mine about pole vault. This is my plan for the start of my project. 

My Topic: Pole vault.
What I plan to make: I plan to make a slideshow on how to do pole vault and the main tips for pole vault.

Here are my questions.

How high can the bar go?             How do you twist your body over the pole?
What’s the highest pole vault record?

Thanks for reading. See you next time!!!

My learning blog post


I 'm learning about the Olympics. We have to do a Olympic project. A Olympic project is when you choose something like a athlete or a sport but they have to be someone or something in the Olympics. I'm doing mine about pole vault. This is my plan for the start of my project. 

My Topic: Pole vault.
What I plan to make: I plan to make a slideshow on how to do pole vault and the main tips for pole vault.

Here are my questions.

How high can the bar go?             How do you twist your body over the pole?
What’s the highest pole vault record?

Thanks for reading. See you next time!!!

A furry addition to the family

On the last day of the holidays, I went to Animates with my Mum and my Sister. Animates is a place where you can adopt pets and buy toys and treats for animals. When I went to Animates, I saw a furry black blob in a glass box. When I went closer to the box it started to appear: fury, small, black and white. By then I recognize what it was. Can you guess what it was? If you answered A cat or kitten you are correct. As soon as I saw the kitten I rushed over to my Mum and my sister and said come check what I have just seen. So I lead them towards the glass box. Just when they got a glimpse of the kitten they said "Oh wow that cat is soooo cute!" I said" Can we buy it Can we buy it Can we buy it?" But just then I realized  that my dad wouldn't approve it. So we went home and had a conversation about.Can you guess what he said? If 
you guessed  No No No!You were indeed right. He did not want a kitten. I don't know why but he didn't. The next day my sister had to go to work at Pak'n'Save across the road from Animates so mum and I went to Animates. I was so surprised to see that the cat was still there. Did I mention that the day before a family brought their dog in to see if he would like the cat? That's why I was so surprised that he was still there. That night Mum and I texted my Dad if we could take the cat home. Turns out he was actually out side of the shop getting petrol so he finished and came into the shop where Mum and I were staring at the cat. He walked into the shop we begged and begged, finally he gave in and said "Alright." So that night we got a kitten and named it Thea-bold fox in Socks and guess what it's a boy. He's so smart he even knows  how to play fetch. He's smarter than my dog. Is he smarter than your dog? Here are some photos. 

My kitten when he woke from a nap because he heard a big bang coming  from the TV.

Me and my kitten when he was sleeping. He must of had a bad dream.

My biggest sister is coming home

On the 10 of July my biggest sister is coming home from Kikora in Christchurch. Her name is Hannah. She is 19. Shes flatting with her boyfriend and are thinking to move in to a more vintage and quiet flat but hasn't really found anything that screams YES! So they are going to keep looking. Any way, I'm so exited because Hannah and I are going to hopefully have so much fun and hopefully going to spend most of our time outside. When she was thinking on moving out she gave me a jar with little pieces of paper on Christmas. We haven't been able to do any yet because she moved out almost straight after and while she was still at home she was to busy to do it with me but her other sister, Edan got to do all of them. So hopefully we will be able to do the rest of them. I will do another blog post about what happened when she came and left as soon as possible but she has to come and go before I can write the next blog post about her. I will also put some photos of us together and maybe even make a slide show. I hope you have liked this post. See you next time.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Funday report

Hey guys and welcome back today i'm going to write a fun-day report.
Have you ever been to fun-day? Well if you haven't don't worry I am now going to tell you what it's like. Hope you enjoy!!!


Want a great celebration for you finishing your learning tasks on time! You get to play games and watch movies if you're with Mr M for fun-day,  and if you're with Mrs Carr for fun-day you will get to play games and create stuff. If you're with Mrs Love for fun-day you get to play games out doors and lots of other awesome things. 

Making it to fun-day

If you want to make it to fun-day you have to complete your learning tasks in the amount of time that you have been given by the teachers.

The feeling you get after fun-day

I pears-only felt very proud of myself for making it to funday. Would you feel the same way?

Monday, July 25, 2016

What Hannah and I did in the holidays!!!

So welcome back to my blog I hope you all had an awesome holiday. Well my holiday was great. I know I said that I would maybe show you a slide show of Hannah and I but we were having so much fun we didn't have time to take photos so I'll just tell you all about it.

First we did a treasure hunt, but it was raining so we had to do it inside and my prize was a biscuit, a Mine-craft dog with a red collar and I also got a big bag of sour cream and nachos chips from bluebird. 

The next day we baked some brownies and we were going to serve them with our picnic but it was way too cold and the grass was all soggy and wet so we decided to bake some more brownies.

When we finally got the weather we wanted we went outside and played netball but the weather turned on us. It started raining again so we went inside and played mini games on Mine-craft.

The last day of Hannah being home we had a cheese and wine night, obviously i'm not old enough to drink wine so instead I had some sparkling grape juice. My mum toke a picture of me Hannah and Sammy. 

Friday, July 8, 2016

What's the best part about being in Rimu hub

This is 100 reasons why Rimu hub is the best hub (Actually theirs only 10 reasons why Rimu is the best it's not that there isn't 100 reason',s it's just that I would take to long to write all of them.)

Reason number 1: The people in the hub are really helpful and kind.

Reason number 2: The teachers are fun and help you with tricky work.

Reason number 3: The learning environment is really helpful in a fun way.

Reason number 4: It's a good way to be in a quiet learning space and Rimu provides it.

Reason number 5: They give you time to think about learning before they ask you to tell them the answer or what you think.

Reason number 6: They represent Parkvale PRIDE Personal best Respect and Responsibility   Integrity  Determination  Enjoyment.

Reason number 7: They don't show off about things they're doing right. They just do it and get it over and done with.

Reason number 8: You have year six's to help you, you have year five's to help you and you also have year four's to help you.

Reason number 9: You have fun learning, not boring learning.


If you're thinking about moving class, think about Rimu!!

Monday, July 4, 2016

My passion project

This is my passion project and underneath it is my passion project reflection.

                   How to care for a kitten
                                       (Instructions on how to care for a kittens)


(Photo by Jessica Brooks)

Written and Illustrated by Jessica Brooks

What materials you need before adopting a kitten

  1. You need a litter box.
  2. You need a bag filled with kitty litter.
  3. Something on a string or stick for them to scratch and play with.
  4. Something for the kitten to play around that’s loose on the ground.
  5. A little house with platforms for the kitten to climb and sleep on.
  6. Two food bowls for the kitten to eat out of one of the bowls and for the kitten to drink water out of the other bowl.
  7. A full bag of food for the kitten to eat.

The next chapter that's called What food should you feed your kitten will tell you what food you should get in the full bag to put in the food bowl.

         What food should you feed your kitten
There are multiple foods for kittens but the best kinds are diet cat food for example Sience Diet.Sience diet has a green tip, it has a  kitten on it walking towards the bowl of food next to the bag of Sience Diet.If your kitten has a gassy smelly tummy then you should try Royal cat.It’s in a pink bag that has a cat on it, the title says Royal cat.You can find Sience Diet and Royal cat in Animates maybe the Vet in hastings or your close’s Vet.
Here is a picture of science diet.         Here is a picture of Royal canin.



 What should you do to be a good owner
  1. You have to put food in it’s food bowl and water in its water bowl.
  2. You also need to  shower it with love otherwise the kitten may not like you in the future and especially if your kitten is a new addition to the family.
  3. You need to let it have some personal space and do not pick the kitten up to many times otherwise it can cause a default in relationship in the future.
  4. If you have another cat or animal at least don’t let them met until the kitten has adjusted to the new environment and it’s at least been 4 weeks since it's been at their new home. (Your home.)

If you want to know how to shower your kitten with love then read the next chapter.


            How to shower your kitten with love
If you have a new kitten in your house then you should try and shower them with love but if you do it too harshly you can hurt the relationship in the future with you and the kitten.
Here’s 3 Steps to help you shower your kitten with love:
Step 1: Gently pick up the kitten and hold it in a way that you would hold a baby.
Step 2: Gently give it a warm kiss on the nose and pat it gently on the head and follow through all the way to the start of the kitten's tail.
Step 3: If you feed your kitten it will feel like you're showering it with love.

Here’s a photo of me kissing my kitten and patting it on it’s head and following through to the start of the kitten's tail.

Here are some comments from some people who's read my book.

I love the Instructions Jessica you have made a lot of detail about how to look after kittens now I know how to look after my kitten.

Taylah M
I love how you did your book before when I had Pipi I picked him up like garbage but since we are getting a new kitten now how to pick him up you put so much detail you are so good at making books about kittens.

This is my passion project rephlection.

Passion Projects Reflection

Please answer all of the following questions

Describe your passion project. What was your learning in it? What were you trying to produce? My passion project basically tells you how to care for a kitten and I learnt that caring for a kitten isn’t is easy as you think. I was trying to make a book about how to care for a kitten.

How far did you get with your passion project? What would have helped you to get further? I finished my passion project but before the session I just finished it on time.

What was the most challenging part of your passion project? My most challenging part of my passion project was coming up with the chapters.

What was surprising about your passion project? I was surprised because I didn’t think that it would be that hard to write a book about how you should care for a kitten.

Did you follow your plan well? Why or why not? I did follow my passion project plan because I knew that if I didn’t I may not know what to do and probably won’t get it finished in time.

Which learning muscles did you use the most while you were working on your passion project? How did you use each one? I mostly used my absorption and managing distractions. I used Them when I was in the middle of my passion project.

Which learning muscles did you find difficult to stretch during passion project time? Managing distractions when I was in the middle of passion project time.

Include a picture/embedded link to your passion project My Passion project

If you were allowed to pick a new passion project, what would you choose and why?Singing, Making my own song.

What was your favourite part of passion projects? The relief of it being finished.

You don't neeed to go on the link because it takes you to my passion project thats up above.