Hi guys and welcome back. This is my first blog post for week 7 and term 3. Today I'm going to blogging about my 2 of favorite blog posts. My first favorite blog post is Lake Taupo. Here the blog post is.
Lake Taupo
Have you ever been to lake Taupo or Taupo itself?
FACT: Taupo was a volcano but blew its top off. That's why Taupo is so deep. Some people say that people in China could hear the big eruption. I have been to Lake Taupo and it is AWESOME!!! You can swim in
the clear water.
FACT: Lake Taupo's water is fresh water not salt water.
If you bring a boat you could go wild on the lake. When I went with my uncle we went to a carving in a cliff actually in the side of the cliff.
FACT:The carving was actually hand carved and one of the All Black's holiday house is on the top of the cliff. Here's some photos of me and my dad swimming with my step cousin and her dad.It was so cold that Lilly's lips went bright blue.
Me and my cousin on a floating a bouncy dinghy.
Us about to jump of the dinghy.
Us swimming back to shore.
Me and Lilly (Lilly is my step cousin.)swimming towards the boat.
Us climbing up the ladder to get on to the boat so we can get warm.
I hope you enjoyed my post this week.See you next time.
My learning in this blog post is the spelling and I also had to do heaps and heaps of editing to this blog.
My second favorite blog post is A furry addition to the family. Here it is.
On the last day of the holidays, I went to Animates with my Mum and my Sister. Animates is a place where you can adopt pets and buy toys and treats for animals. When I went to Animates, I saw a furry black blob in a glass box. When I went closer to the box it started to appear: fury, small, black and white. By then I recognize what it was. Can you guess what it was? If you answered A cat or kitten you are correct. As soon as I saw the kitten I rushed over to my Mum and my sister and said come check what I have just seen. So I lead them towards the glass box. Just when they got a glimpse of the kitten they said "Oh wow that cat is
soooo cute!" I said" Can we buy it Can we buy it Can we buy it?" But just then I realized that my dad wouldn't approve it. So we went home and had a conversation about.Can you guess what he said? If
you guessed No No No!You were indeed right. He did not want a kitten. I don't know why but he didn't. The next day my sister had to go to work at Pak'n'Save across the road from Animates so mum and I went to Animates. I was so surprised to see that the cat was still there. Did I mention that the day before a family brought their dog in to see if he would like the cat? That's why I was so surprised that he was still there. That night Mum and I texted my Dad if we could take the cat home. Turns out he was actually out side of the shop getting petrol so he finished and came into the shop where Mum and I were staring at the cat. He walked into the shop we begged and begged, finally he gave in and said "Alright." So that night we got a kitten and named it Thea-bold fox in Socks and guess what it's a boy. He's so smart he even knows how to play fetch. He's smarter than my dog. Is he smarter than your dog? Here are some photos.
My kitten when he woke from a nap because he heard a big bang coming from the TV. |
Me and my kitten when he was sleeping. He must of had a bad dream.
My learning in this blog post is remembering what happens.